If you are thinking of adopting, read the following tips carefully.
Are you ready to adopt?
By adopting you are committing yourself to take care of an animal for the rest of its life. Most dogs can last between 10 and 15 years and in the case of cats up to 20 years. In each change of life that you have, like moving, birth of babies, migratory processes, the animal will continue being a part of the family and as such it must be considered. Are you willing to continue taking care of your pet in these circumstances? If your answer is no, then you are not ready to adopt.
You should keep in mind that the adoption of an animal requires an economic expense to cover its food, annual vaccination and required veterinary care.
The animals require extra time from their day, you should consider that in case the dogs require daily walks and the cats some play time when they are inside the house.
You should also ensure that the rest of the family members are prepared to welcome a new family member, including other pets that are already at home.
Which animal is suitable for adoption?
Sometimes the most important thing is not the animal that we like the most physically but the one that best suits our lifestyle, if it has more time available during the day and is willing to take long walks to exercise with them or on the contrary it has a sedentary life and has less time per day.
In our adoption form we ask you a series of questions that will allow us to give you adequate advice to choose your next partner.
If you are considering adopting a dog, remember:
Dogs are social and loving and are constantly looking for attention and affection.
It's a good idea to work out a schedule of who in the family is going to take care of the new dog including walks, games, feeding and hygiene.
We recommend that you identify your dog with a tag that includes its phone numbers in case it gets lost. You should keep it updated.
Remember that all our dogs are sterilized.
If you are considering adopting a cat, remember:
Cats are usually very independent and their way of being should be respected by all members of the family. They should understand that the fun with them begins only after the feline feels comfortable and safe.
It is a good idea to work out a schedule of who in the family will be taking care of the new cat including games, feeding and hygiene.
Remember that all our cats are sterilized.
How to prepare your home for the arrival of a new cat or dog
Remember that receiving a new family member requires certain care and responsibilities within the home, including
- Put in a closed place all the toxic products that are in your house.
- Keep trash and garbage cans closed.
- If the new member is a cat especially remember to keep the windows closed or install wire mesh on them to prevent leaks and falls from high floors, as well as remove furniture attached to the windows.
- It may also be a good idea to save the decorative rugs until the new animal gets used to the routines of its new home and no accidents occur.
- Provide your new cat with scratchers.
- Have toys that your new member can use to play with and bite on to prevent him/her from biting on your things. Also, avoid leaving things that can break within your reach, especially if the new member is a puppy.
- Make sure the plants you have in your home are not toxic or poisonous in case they are bitten to play.